Saignelégier Youth Hostel
- In the middle of nature
- Quiet location
- Spa area, outdoor swimming pool and fitness center
This associated youth hostel is operated by:
Centre de loisirs des Franches-Montagnes SA
Everything at a glance
Active holidays at the Jura Sport & Spa Resort
A stay at Saignelégier Youth Hostel is never a mundane experience. You can look forward to fitness, wellness, ice skating, sunbathing and breathtaking natural surroundings. It’s the perfect place to have fun and hone your fitness.
It is very fitting that the hostel’s address is “Chemin des Sports,” literally “Sports Avenue”. This is not a coincidence. At the Jura Sport & Spa Resort, everything revolves around physical and mental fitness. The range of indoor and outdoor activities and wellness offerings is enormous. It’s so easy to fill your days with active adventures. And the fun doesn’t stop in the evenings either when you can dive into a colourful bathing experience in the heated and illuminated outdoor pool. Get ready for active fun on the Chemin des Sports!