Become a member

Become a member

You and us: it's going to be amazing!

It’s worth becoming a member of the Swiss Youth Hostels. Purchase your Membercard today and enjoy numerous benefits in Switzerland and abroad.

As a member, you can stay at one of our 50 or so hostels in Switzerland and Liechtenstein for less. But that’s not all: Worldwide adventurers receive a 10% discount on overnight stays in accommodation that is part of the Hostelling International network. Pretty cool, don’t you think? Purchase your membership now!

The right membership for everyone

Membership of Swiss Youth Hostels is worthwhile. Buy your member card and benefit from numerous advantages in Switzerland and abroad.

Purchase additional card

Other people living in your household can also benefit from your membership. Simply purchase the ‘Membercard Extra’ card for anyone in your household who wishes to stay in a youth hostel. The main Membercard holder does not need to travel with them. A Membercard Extra card costs just CHF 15

One card for everyone

Children and other people in the same household do not need their own Membercard when staying together.

Doing good as a member

By becoming a member, you enable us to continue actively promoting social interaction, group activities and experiences, especially for young people, school classes, families and people with disabilities. 


How long is my membership valid?
Will my membership be renewed automatically?
Is membership transferable?
Is membership valid internationally?
Will family membership no longer apply?